Lviv Art School
The space in which we grow, forms a worldview, attitude to the world, dictates the manner of behavior, in other words - educates us, and especially the child.
In our opinion, a modern art school should first of all contain 2 functions - artistic (creation of creative space) and educational (tolerant attitude to the environment, both natural and anthropogenic), taking into account the existing context.
Context (factors):
- historical - formed nature of the environment (small-scale construction)
- natural - landscape (significant difference in relief) as well as the neglect of the site, weeds, which creates the illusion of green space around.
The project is an attempt to combine the existing contexts of the site and a significant volume of the building.
Technical and economic indicators:
Plot area – 1,0755 hа;
Building area – 3050 sq m;
Total area – 9631,27 sq m;
Auditorium - 440 sq m; Number of seats – 252
Parking – 1610 sq m; Number of parking spaces – 46
Project name: Lviv Art School
Category: Competitive project
Location: Lviv, UKR
Year: 2020
Size: 1,0755 hа
Client: Lviv city council
Team: Nataliya Zinchuk, Mariya Zasadniy, Khrystyna Kukharska, Andriy Shtendera, Nataliya Mashevska, Nataliya Mychka, Rostyslav Tshuk
Parceling of the building and the environment
A pattern of historical parcelling dictates the form-forming scale as opposed to the large volume of the allocated plot
Integration into the environment
The flow of the relief surface in the plane of the floors provides a continuous connection of the environment with the building, the contours of the roof of which mimic the existing relief, creating an ideological continuity with the existing context of the site;
The use of natural materials in the decoration emphasizes the idea of "dissolving" the architecture of the school with nature;
Maximum penetration of greenery is laid next to the idea of unsystematic, random available sowing of greenery.
Formation of multifunctional space in any place of the building.
The main task of the multifunctional spaces of this building is to demonstrate the interdisciplinary connection and the ability to define yourself as part of the creative.Flexible communication spaces can be interpreted differently by children and teachers, depending on the specific plan - as a transit, as a gallery, as a class, a place for open air, recreation, etc.

Interaction of the object with natural light.
Creation of vertical light wells for the maximum use of natural lighting;
Formation of end-to-end visual axes with the environment in the main communication nodes (halls, entrance groups);
Use of sunlight through adjustable slots for various scenarios on the stage (for lighting the stage, hall, lighting installations, etc.).
Facade on Nizhynska Street
Facade on Repina Street
Visual functional zoning of the adjacent territory with imitation of the nature of the plots by different paving and grass, which is transferred from the building to the paving;
Use of relief for maximum integration of classrooms into the natural environment;
Creating a flexible environment for a variety of uses, both for the school's many functions and for the needs of the area's residents. There are places for guest parking, places for children, a square, an amphitheater, a bicycle path with the possibility of arrival and walking to the common terrace.
The development of the planning structure provided for the division of the building zones into two main blocks - loud (music, cafe, theatre, auditorium), and quiet (library, technical creativity, fine arts, classes of theoretical disciplines), which are combined with the already mentioned communicative and green zones. There is a variation of common spaces from local corridors-galleries and common foyers, ending with different sizes of terraces and galleries.